Thursday, 17 October 2013


Lee Mason

Lee Mason is a freelance graphic designer and graduate of the Norwich University College of the Arts. Through this, he works with iconic brands, corporate leaders and start-up enterprises – producing a high standard of graphic design that is driven by creative thinking.

"A growing number of clients prefer using a freelance graphic designer to using a design agency – and this due to a few main benefits. The biggest being that the work delivered by a skilled freelance designer can be exactly the same as you’d get from a top agency – but at a fraction of the price. You also get to work much more closely with your designer, instead of relaying everything through an account handler." - Lee Mason on Freelancing.

As Lee has no agent he is able to choose his projects carefully, selecting jobs that give him an opportunity to do work he enjoys as well as work which connects with the intended audience and pleases the client. Apart from this he also engages in a lot of work which improves the likelihood of success.

 Mac7-cover0freelance-graphic-designer-savour-logo"I always follow a strategic approach; identify your brand’s strengths and weaknesses, get to know your company culture, research your audience, your competition, and the current market." - Lee Mason on his Experience

To furthur increase Lee's appeal to clients, his website includes a clear outline of the services he provides, glowing testimonials from former clients and a number of ways in which potential clients can contact him.

Info and images taken from

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